Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hymn & Scripture Challenge 2012

This weeks hymn is "How Great Thou Art" by Stuart Hine.  Stuart read a poem written by a Swedish preacher named Carl Boberg.  This poem inspired him to write the lyrics to this song.  You can read Patter's devotion about this hymn HERE 
I love old hymns.  I think they are becoming a lost art in the church.  I remember at a church I once attended, the music director took time to explain the history behind the hymn 'It Is Well With My Soul".  After listening to the story the song has so much more meaning to me every time I sing it.  Just as  I learn about all these songs, they will stir up my heart a bit more the next time I sing them.

Old hymn are falling to the wayside in todays modern church.  The church wants to become more hip or current to serve the younger generations, which is ok I guess.  But I hope music dierectors take time to teach todays church a bit of history in these great old hymns!


Nancy said...

What a wonderful page, Carol! I really like the "cheerfulness" of it!...Nancy :o)

Little Birdie Blessings said...

This is a good one too Carol, you've really mastered this art. I like the layout of the scripture tag on this page. My Sunday School teenagers would really like that one too. I am the pianist for our church and we sing the old hymns every week. ~ Abby